The drawing I've chosen to submit first is this sketch of Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit. It has been hanging in the front of my sketchbook for a while, now and then I choose to add little details and things that I missed, or alter it in some way, but for now I am happy with it.
Clearly, I didn't go for a complete realistic look, especially when you are comparing it to the actual picture, it is a lot different in some ways. I appropriated his stance and other details and then went my own way with it, instead of drawing it from the source completely. I rather went for an almost exaggerated and cartoon-like look for the face, which I think captures his character well. The overall intention was to go for a kind of "older" Bilbo, almost an amalgam of Martin Freeman and his Lord of the Rings counterpart Ian Holm, and his transition into old age.
I am certainly not finished with it, If I ever get around to making any drastic alterations I may make a post in the future as a follow up, but for now I will leave it as it is and move on to other projects!
If you have any criticism I would love to hear it! Thanks!
This blog is a weekly catalog of drawings from my personal sketchbooks, some drawings will be old and some will be recent, but they will all be drawn by me, almost always pencil on paper. The purpose is to simply share them with anyone who is interested, and to get it out there, as well as to get criticism and advice! So go ahead and appreciate them if you want, and make sure to leave a comment!