Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Gandalf the Grey, Pencil on Paper

Gandalf the Grey, Portrait

Indeed more Hobbit stuff, but who doesn't like that? This is a very rough sketch I did based on a picture of Gandalf from the Hobbit, with pencil on watercolor paper. Obviously I need to darken the dark's and lighten the lights, but whatever! I enjoy doing sketches like this a lot on a daily basis, not really a full drawing in any sense, it could definitely use more detail and shading, but I thought it was good enough.

Criticism and comments are always welcome here, so leave a comment!


  1. This is unreal mr. Saheeny I love the boldness of the eyes, take a risk and put that much contrast in the whole piece, using bold blacks and lights really brings the piece to life

  2. Benji, this is yet again absolutely incredible. I love the character drawings, but I also look forward to seeing drawings of people or things that you have made up!

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  4. #Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life#Ganjedalf4life

  5. I see you have quite the taste for elderly men Mr. Saheeny, love the detail on the wrinkles.
